The Giko Cat
In the year 1998, before the dawn of Doge and the reign of Grumpy Cat, lurked a legend in the shadows of the internet. His name was Giko, a pixelated kitty with a message for the ages: "Please go away". This simple plea, uttered on a Japanese online bulletin board, resonated with millions, sparking the first documented cat meme and forever etching Giko's grumpy mug in internet history.
Fast forward to the present day, where memes rule the digital landscape and cryptocurrency is the new meow-nia. Inspired by Giko's legacy, a band of cat-loving, crypto-savvy individuals decided to unleash the purrfect memecoin: Giko Cat!
Join us on this epic meowventure! Together, we'll build a purrfectly decentralized community powered by the meme that started it all. We'll claw our way to the top, one meow at a time.
Giko Cat
Total Supply:
Phase 01
- Token Launch
- Socials Launch
- Whitepaper Launch
- Build a community
- Organic marketing campaign
Phase 02
- Extensive social media campaigns
- Strategic Partnerships
- Cross-community competitions
- 1st Staking Pool
- Utility
Phase 03
- Expand Utilities/Ecosystem
- Listings
- Charity
Giko Cat
Giko Cat $GIKO is a community-driven memecoin on Loop Network, inspired by the first known cat meme, Giko Cat (ギコ猫).